Page name: Naruto Obsessers Memberlist [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-30 23:46:28
Last author: Red kira
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 23
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~*~Naruto Obsessers Memberlist~*~

Just put your name down and say who your favorite character is. Underling the character's name.


1. [XxTsomexX] Hayate Gekkou is my favorite!! Hes so hot!! HES MINE!!! *_*(Owner XD)

2.[Koho Ai] De De De My favorite would be uhhhhh its a hard one the nine tailed fox.

3.[Surimia] naruto squee ninjas squee sasuke kun squee

4. [Keir Devlin]   the American-Dubbed version. They killed Naruto. Oh yeah, OROCHIMARU-SAMA IS MEH  Y MAN   ! XD

5.[Piercedskull]I<3THEM ALL!

6. [Erubeus] Love!!! MINE! -growls, circles, protects, claims-

7. [Evolution X] Must.... watch.... Anime..... *drools*

8. [Vampire Princess Twilight] anime rox!!!!

9. [*akuma*] <3 my kakashi

10.[Scathic N.] *demon ears perk* Someone say anime, love?!

11.[Sailor Uranus XD]*loud heart beat* naruto!!!!!

12.[Roxcie] I LOVE naruto, one of my fav. anime shows EVER! :D

13.[Aki Neko]from naruto?(ha ha!!!13 is my#!!!)

14.[Iruvielle] Gai Sensei is MINE! and so is Kisame (like anyone else would want them!)

15.[Avatar15] Isn't it just the best Ninja-involved anime OUT there?!?! Narutard I am. x3 (Rock Lee ^^;)

16.[~ShadowWind~] KAKASHIS MINE !!XP

17. [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*] Whoot! Who's ready for the fillers to end?!? =D ...(forgot the chara. oooops) GAAAAARA!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD *fangirl SQUEEE!!*

18.[Yukina_Kiba]Kakashis ish! Mine! Kiba and Kankurou are cool to!^.^

19.[IonicRose]i love the show so much its my fav show ever!my fav character thats a hard one...humm...i guess it would be KAKASHI(hes So HoT!!!) or NARUTO i CANT DECIDE! *tears*

20.[Firesong k'Treva] I claims ITACHI!!! And SHIKAMARU!!!!! *huggles plushie versions of them* ^.^ *fanboy squee*

21.[~*Crimson Rose*~] Alright ladies, Itachi is mine!

22.[fdcm] Neji is my beloved!

23.[foodfun2k6] all of them, except the big person

24.[~Crimson Angel~] My favorite is Rock Lee.

25.[Izeiza] KIBA INUZUKA AND KANKURO SABAKU!!!!!!!!!! ^^

26.[littlekitten] who can't love anime, *goes all wide eye for anime!*

27.[imperfectionist] i don't live for anime, my life is anime :]

28. [DeadSockMonster] Kabuto rocks :p

29. [illegally insane] the uber cool guy that loves anime

30. [The Dizzy Raven] U so rock!! *hugs Neji*

31.[sunabozu]rock lee is my hero!

32.[kasaix.x] naruto rox...*worships kakashi*...

33.[Red kira] Deidara and KAKUZU he so fricken rocks

34. [Blood Sucking Beauty] Hmmm i guess im kinda an outcast but i LOVE and ADORE Sasuke-kun! HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO HOTT!!!! MINE MINE MINE!!

35.[{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara] Gaara ish mine!!

37. [blueshippo] All abot Gaara, BABY!
38. [twitchboy] All bow to the immortal Hidan and Lee the green beast of Konohagakure
39.[~Queen Of The Shadows~] I like Orochimaru and Kabuto,but I love Itachi.

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2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: _________/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\/^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: .... are you living or dead??? *sad chibi eyes*

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *walks into the room* whose the dead guy who looks like me.

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: O.o *confused chibi eyes* what the...

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Walks into the room* Hey who are those two guys and why do they look like me.

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *cries out of confusion and runs away*

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Cancels out the shadow clone jutsu and sits down to rest*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *runs back in and tackle glomps unholy* heehee! ^^

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *gets tackle glomped then poofs* 

Me: *steps out from behind the door* hello Kenji *hugs*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: Gwaaah! *falls over, then hugs back* YAY!!!

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *doesn't go poof* Yeah this is the real me I hope

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: you hope???? O.o

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: I think the clones are gone i lost track a while ago.

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *laughs* alrighty then... *runs around in circles, spreading chibi cuteness everywhere*

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Several Unholy clones come charging out of a closet and land in front of you* Hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello kenji kenji kenji kenji

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: O.o *stops fast and screams, then runs away from the many unholy clones* GWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Unholy clones chase Kenji*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *trips and falls* noooo.. *is afraid of being squished because she's such a small chibi*

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Unholy jumps down from the rafters and attacks the charging clones*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *jumps up and runs around screaming poooof* rofl.. sorry, had to.. that word is HILARIOUS!

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *spontaneously combusted*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: O.o YAY SPONTANOUSNESSNESSNESS! ^^

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *looks at you* Guess what guess what?

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: WHAT WHAT???

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: I got a jar of dirt.

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: does it have davy jones's heart in it?? *is obviously referring to potc2* ^^

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *looks inside and pulls out a heart and Lightbulb kicks in*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: O.o... lightbulb?? *looks at a bottle in her hand, tips it upside down* why is the rum always gone?? *pouts*

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: because i have it

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: :O *chases unholy* MY RUM!!!!!!!

2007-05-31 [Koho Ai]: *Throws bottle*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: NOOOOOOOO!!!! *chases bottle*

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: (i saw an amv parody of that. it went like this:
*shows a pic of tsunade*
*goes to the scene where jiraiya has his telescope*
*jiraiya puts down telescope and turns to the guy next to him*
"it elizabeth! HIDE THE RUM!"
oh, how we laughed.)

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: and THEN there was the time dmc and hiro and me were saying whatif all the akatsukis were on a plane....
somebody said the sound nins should join them and i said something along the lines of "SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!"

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs hysterically*

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: yosh.

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: heehee! :)

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: and now what?

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: i don't know... *sits in a corner and thinks*

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: *tosses pocky around out of boredom*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *see pocky, jumps up and tackles it* MY POCKY!

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: tackling pocky? never seen that before.

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: oh.. with me, it's possible! heehee

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: *flings pocky and other snackfoods in the air*

2007-05-31 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: OMFG

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *tackles the other pocky, then sits in a corner eating it*

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: *steals all nutella containers*

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: O.o

2007-05-31 [XxTsomexX]: *catches a pocky box* yum yum yum

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *is still munching pocky in a corner, growling evilly at anyone who comes near*

2007-05-31 [Surimia]: *shares nutella with stolen chibis*

2007-05-31 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: NUTELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-31 [Iruvielle]: *continues eating pocky*

2007-06-01 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: eh?

2007-06-01 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: POCKY!!!!

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: MY POCKY I SAW IT FIRST!!!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: *has confiscated all the pocky and is hiding it* mine...

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: POCKY SENBON NEEDLE STORM!!!! *w*
(pokcy needles....lolz)

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: O.o *runs away leaving all the pocky behind*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: *dives into pocky pile*

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: *has run up a tree and hid*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: eh? *pokes tree*

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: *falls out of the tree*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: O.o
you ok?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: *jumps up and grins ridiculously wide* yuppers! :)

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: ok then...want some pocky?
dont steal all of it

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: POCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals and dances*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: yosh.
*sticks pokcy between fingers and makes a fist*
guess who i am?!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hmmmmmmm... *thinks then shrugs* who?

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: WOLVERINE FROM X-2!!!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: OMG, HE'S HOT!!!!! lol..

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: those movies rock meh socks

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: beieve it or not.. i have NEVER seen X-Men or X-2 at all! O.o

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: ACKPTH! you must! they pwn!!!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: interesting sound effect there.. ackpth?? heehee... just as bad as thhhbpptt!

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: sounds like a raspberry.

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hahaha! That's the whole meaning... my friend made it up! XDD

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: my friends and i all have weird little sound effects....
"meow, @#$% it!!!"

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hahaha! same here.. mostly though, my sound effects are "WOOOOOT" and "GWAAAAAH!!!" or "GAAAAAAH!!!" or "GRAAAAH!" rofl! yes..

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: one friend of mine says out loud "lol" and pronounces is "Lah-l".
i'm the only person i know who says "woot" in rl.

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: really? two of my friends and I are the only ones who says woot in rl. I accidentally said lol... exactly like that LOL in rl too! ahhaha

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: woot! people who say woot!
and another friend of mine says "pwned" and pronounces it "poned."
we were playing gamecube once and she yelled "THEY'RE PWNED!"
her dad walked in the door and asked why "they were boned"

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is dying of laughter*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: i saw "pwned" too, but i pronounce it "pwind," like "upwind" without the "u."

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: LOL.. ok.. i just don't say it.. i only type it lol

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: i use leet speak in rl....
im such a nerd....

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: haha! that's alright.. Nerds are COOOOOOL!

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: BUT OTAKU PWN!!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: CHYA!!!!!!!! *inner Sakura impression*

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: XD!
i always thought it was "CHAAAA!"

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: yea, it is.. it's just because I say CHYA all the time.. it IS actually CHA!!!!

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: ok then......
if sakura was canadian, would she say "CHA-EH!"
(i swear to god, when they get to those eps in english, they will make deidara sound canadian in english dub.)

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hahahaha! Hey, canadians aren't that bad... *thinks* dude, i remember having this convo with someone... but about Rock Lee being Canadian.. hmmmm

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: OHHH that abrigdged series! yes, lee's canadian in that...
you seen it?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: not yet! But i want to!!!

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: DO SO!
it made me laugh out loud.
and THATS saying something!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hahaha! geez, what would it do to me then?? anything.. and i mean ANYTHING makes me laugh.

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: go boom?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! probably!!! XDDDDD

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: nyuuuuu then who would i throw pokcy at?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: hmmmmm... my ghost?

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: but your ghost wouldnt feel the "ping" of pocky bouncing off your head.......

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: no.. but it WOULD be funny to see pocky flying right through a ghost... damn, i better watch what i say.. I do SERIOUSLY have a ghost here...

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: eh?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: I have a ghost in my place.. for real...

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: what kind?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: idk,.. she's just a ghost.. she's just.. there.. LOL

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: no hollows?

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: no.. no hollows.. if there were i'd call in Uryuu to come save me! XDDDD

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: yosh!

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: LOL.. uryuu fan also?? *huggles Uryuu* mine...

2007-06-02 [Surimia]: nah.

2007-06-02 [Iruvielle]: oh.. ok.. well.. still... *huggles Uryuu*

2007-06-05 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: ^_^ Uryuu? He's cute but Ichigo's not that bad.

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: Uryuu's MINE! *huggles* first anime guy i like that you think is ok too eh Hiyono?? rofl!

2007-06-05 [Avatar15]: Psh, he's mine. Err... second to top. ♥ Lovers him.

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: *stick tongue out* fine.. we'll share him.. :P

2007-06-05 [Avatar15]: *shares* :P 'Tis fine by me.

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: okie dokies! *shares also*

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: hello!*pops in*

2007-06-05 [Avatar15]: shouldn't you pop in, before you yell hello?

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: ......

2007-06-05 [Avatar15]: It makes more sense to me, than saying hello before you enter. :3

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: ok then...

*pops in* hello!!

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: ELLO POPPITS!!!

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: ello govna!

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: ello minions!

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: Oo?

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: i always say that when entering a room to greet a bunch of friends....
either that, or "heyyy everybody! life treating you good?"

that one always gets laughs XD

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: ehh...^_^

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: theres this other guy who always quotes bumper stickers.
i find that funny.

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: wow...XDD one of my favorite bumper stickes said "im so evil, satan worships me!!!"

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: ive seen "my gamer pwned your honor student"

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XDDDD i want that one!!!

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: i want one that says
"i stop for ninjas"

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XDDDD

2007-06-08 [Iruvielle]: hahahahahahaha!!!

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: though, there are some really gross ones out there too.Oo

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: I like "Get a taste of religeon, lick a witch." ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDDDDDDDD

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: Or my sisters "I stop for pixies, faries, centaurs, elves, gnomes, dwarves, leprachauns, satyrs and small furry creatures only I can see."

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDDDDDDDD they should have one that says "anime pwns american cartoons!"

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: "If joo cn undrstnd tis, U R a gmr LOL"?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: 1 (4|\| |_||>3|-574|\||> 7|-|47. 1 |r34|> |337.

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: ..... nope, cant read it.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i love |337. XD and it say, "i can understand that. i read |337(or, so you can read it leet)."

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: *rubs my head* Confusing...

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XD try out megatoky and youll never be able to follow!*megatokyo is a manga i read.*

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: ohhhhkayyyy...

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i love that manga!

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: *laughs* Good good.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: NYA!!!

ok, that little hyperness aside, how are oyu?

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: Im ok... being kicked off by my mother and waiting for someone to come on but Im ok.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: ah. well, im waiting for someone to come on too.^_^

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: Who are you waiting for?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: my....friend.-^ ^-

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: ... *blinks* Uhhhh...

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: [The Grand Admiral]

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: *pokes and smiles*

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i really want him to get on, so i can ask him something.....

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: .... Not asking.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: sorry...i found out something about him, and i need to know if its true...this always turns out like this....

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: Oh... Not asking more.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: sorry...throwing shit on you...

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: ........ no thanks.

2007-06-09 [Avatar15]: o_O;

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i said i was sorry i was...nevermind, ill leave.

2007-06-09 [Avatar15]: No, no. I was just confused... it seemed like you two were lovers.

2007-06-09 [Evolution X]: *pokes* No, it's ok.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i was talking about mine...i just found out he might be lying...

2007-06-09 [Avatar15]: I don't mean to be rude at all, but I suggest taking it to private messages.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: sorry...

2007-06-09 [Avatar15]: Again, don't be sorry. =P

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: ok.

2007-06-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: hello all.*hugs everyone*

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: hello.

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: Hello. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Koho Ai]: I know [The Grand Admiral] he goes to my school

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: really?

2007-06-10 [Koho Ai]: indeed i know alot about him too I as I listen to conversation and I am also friends with his twin brother.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: well, he diddnt lie about that then. do you know why the he says the girls dont like him?

2007-06-10 [Koho Ai]: They don't

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: you know why? he says its because of his scars, i think its because he was a player.

2007-06-10 [Koho Ai]: Scars?  There is something I should tell you but not here lets go to private messages.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ok.

2007-06-10 [Koho Ai]: si

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-06-10 [Avatar15]: This wiki is SOOOO random.

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: a-yep.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-06-10 [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]: <.<

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ......
are we just going to post one-liners?

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: probably.. lol

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: lovely.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: *laughs*
i'm sorry...

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: yeah.
its sunday, so everyone is bored.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: yup.. so true.. >.<

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